Today I noticed a few new demos had popped up on the Oculus Forums and the Oculus sub-reddit. One that caught my eye was a game jam entry entitled Jamulus Rift.
The game is a lane based racing game in similar style to say Audio Surf or Switch Galaxy.
You are presumably inside some sort of flying vehicle and you're presented with three lanes in which to fly. You can switch lane by looking to your left or right then pressing a key on the keyboard (I used the space key).
At first the controls feel a bit weird but I soon get used to them and I'm switching lane pretty easily. Collecting each of the green icons as I go.
The more green icons you collect the faster you go, around level 12 it was just going so fast that I couldn't concentrate on what was coming while also trying to move my head and press a button to switch lane. I went through a whole load of red crosses!
My run soon comes to an end and it's been quite enjoyable playing this game. When I first saw the screenshots I thought it might be a little nausea inducing but since most of the movement was directly forwards it didn't feel bad at all.
Here's a YouTube video of my run too, I'd suggest that if you have a Rift you should download the raw 60fps video linked above to experience the run using your own Oculus Rift.